Pride Month 2018 at Paramount

June 1, 2018 | Catering, Paramount Events Inspiration


With the start of summer comes Pride Month 2018, where all of us here at Paramount Events come together to celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and being proud of who you are. Here at Paramount, we have pride for our LGBT+ employees and our commitment to equality across our brands and values. We are proud to cater at same-sex weddings and work with organizations across Chicago that are also committed to the idea of acceptance and respect for all. As with all our values, we believe it is important to stand by what is right and will always push to promote tolerance through everything we do. Celebrate Pride with us this June here at Paramount, where it will always be a welcome space for whoever walks through our doors.


[Aideen and Dara’s wedding catered by Paramount Events at the Chicago History Museum]


[Bill and Bill’s wedding catered by Paramount Events at the Chicago Cultural Center. Photo by Katie Kett]