Drop-Off Catering: A Guide to Serveware Options

November 13, 2023 | Catering, Drop Off Catering, Paramount Events


The Difference Between Disposable and Rented Serveware


Explore the benefits of serveware for drop off catering.



Disposable Serveware


Disposable and compostable serveware is a highly convenient option that eliminates the need for cleaning and washing after any event. Unlike traditional glass or ceramic serveware, disposable and compostable alternatives are far less prone to breakage or shattering. After the event, disposing of the used items is a quick and effortless process, saving significant time and effort when compared to cleaning traditional serveware.

Rented Serveware


Consider renting serveware to enhance the visual appeal of your catering order while also being environmentally conscious. Renting serveware is more sustainable as it generates less waste than disposable alternatives. Additionally, renting serveware can be a cost-effective and convenient solution for one-time or occasional use as it eliminates the need to invest in various dishes, glassware, and utensils that require cleaning and storage before their next use.