May is Employee Health and Wellness month and here at Paramount Events, we’re participating in a big way!
One of the ways we’re making strides toward a healthier lifestyle is by replacing soda with spa water in our break room!
Spa water is healthy, delicious and incredibly easy to make.
Our Sous Chef Jason Smith included: lemon, lime, cucumbers, blueberries, star fruit and mint in today’s version.
Tip: fill your water dispenser with ice and pour in hot water to ensure purity. Then add your fruits, vegetables and herbs and allow to chill for 24 hours before serving.
Check out some of the benefits of today’s recipe:
Berries-contain powerful antioxidants thought to ward off heart disease, certain cancers, and age-related cognitive decline.
Citrus fruit– provides immune-boosting vitamin C and tumor-inhibiting limonoids.
Cucumber– a good source of heart-healthy potassium and bone-building vitamin K.
Mint– not only refreshing, but also has been used for centuries to treat a number of digestive issues.
Try our recipe or experiment with your own. The options are endless!